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- In the start of a new feature here at CHANNEL Z, we have invited
- Amiga Artist Paul Horton to have his say in things to do with the
- Amiga scene......
- Over to you Paul...
- HI!
- Commodore have the most faithful and dedicated customers around. We
- have supported them through their rough patch, when we could so
- easily have abandoned them. So how do they repay us? By continually
- blowing hot and cold on the subject of the A1200 CD Drive.
- First they are, then they cannot, through technical problems, now
- they say they are bringing one out! Please Mr. Commodore make a
- statement, stating whether or not you are going ahead with the CD
- Drive, put all the rumours to rest, once and for all!
- You have said that the reason the CD32 didn't sell as well as you
- expected was because A1200 owners are waiting for the CD Drive. Well!
- there's your answer, RELEASE THE BLOODY A1200 CD ROM DRIVE!
- Maybe a third party developer is working on such a device at this
- very moment, maybe they will release it, maybe they sell thousands
- and thousands of units and make Phenomenal profits!
- Take note Commodore, you could be the one making the profit, all you
- have to do is pull you finger out!
- 'MICROCOSM' has finally been released. Could this game do for the
- CD32 what 'Defender of the Crown' and 'Shadow of the Beast' did for
- the A500! i.e. sell thousands of machines? Only time will tell!
- I see the FMV cartridge was finally released, then after all the hassle
- of releasing it to the shops and outlets, they had to recall them all
- because they were "bugged". Commodore now say they have remedied the
- problem and have shipped a new batch out.
- I'm all for advertising in Computer Magazines, and realize magazines
- need advertising for there main income, but 'Amiga Format' took their
- advertising within there pages a bit far recently.
- In March's Issue, out of 185 pages a staggering 102 pages were
- advertisements, leaving just 83 pages of Articles. This is
- ridiculous, there were MORE pages of advertising than actual
- Articles. There is just no justification for this amount of
- advertising. (Maybe it's just Greed!) They have the cheek to charge
- nearly £4.00 for a magazine, a magazine in which I expect VALUE for
- money, interesting articles and good reviews.
- They cannot use the poor excuse of "Yes, but look what's on the
- coverdisks", because other magazines covering the Amiga have
- coverdisks that are just as good as those found on AF's Covers, and
- don't go over the top with advertising.
- Mr. Amiga Format, your readers expect VALUE for money, stop treating
- us like fools and start giving us a better value Magazine, otherwise
- you may find your readers moving on to better value Mag's!
- Incidentally in April's 'CU Amiga', out of 179 pages, only 77 were
- advertisements, leaving a satisfying 100 pages of readable text (17
- more than Amiga Format), together with Two excellent cover disks. If
- 'CU Amiga' can do it, why can't you!
- With the imminent release of 'TFX' from Ocean, a couple of points
- spring to mind. I gather there are going to be two versions, a CD32
- and a A1200 Hard disk version. The screenshots I have seen, do look
- promising, but those of you who read 'CU Amiga',a few month's back
- may have read the article they did on the Game mentioned.
- They stated that the screenshots were from the PC version, and that
- the A1200 version would only use 128 colours instead of the PC's 256,
- but would look identical to the PC version. Er! Excuse me! CU Amiga
- but there is no way a 128 colour game can look identical to a 256
- colour one! You also stated that the A1200 version was in
- development, it turned out that DID (The Authors) had not even
- started the A1200 version yet! Not a very good idea to print LIES! in
- a magazine, is it!
- Your so called EXCLUSIVE article was just a poor and sloppy effort on
- your part to try and convince your readers that you had somehow got
- inside information on a new A1200 game, when in reality it was just
- an article about a PC game! The person responsible for writing the
- article probably got paid by a PC magazine instead of CU Amiga!
- I have read numerous reviews of the PC version of 'TFX', and none of
- them have been to favourable. You need at least a 486 (Top of the
- range PC) to make it the least playable. I know this is a A1200
- magazine but I am sick of the term 'PC' being used, as most people
- think that games released nowadays run as well on a 286 as they do on
- a 486.
- The only PC that most software houses are catering for now is the
- 486, the 286 is dead, the 386 is dying, that just leaves the 486.
- This is the only 'PC' that is capable of running a decent game,
- anything less and things start to get very 'Jerky!'
- Take 'DOOM' for instance, a stunning game, but only stunning and only
- playable on a 486 and only 'Smooth' on a 66mhz machine! I know, I use
- PC's at college and even when its running on a 486 33mhz its jerky!
- What ever there reputation, 'PC's are not as good as people make out.
- As for PC's being 'Multitasking' machines, well, they can multitask,
- but they need massive amounts of memory and they slow down
- considerably when asked to do more than one thing.
- Speaking of 'DOOM', numerous magazines, including CU Amiga, have
- stated that both the A1200 and the CD32 are incapable of playing such
- a game. They say that texture mapping can not be done fast enough on
- the A1200/CD32! What a load of crap! I have seen numerous Pd. Demo's
- on the A1200 that demonstrate excellent use of scrolling 3d texture
- mapping. OK, they may not be full screen, but its a start. It could
- be only a matter of time before someone releases a 3D texture mapped
- game on the Amiga (Excluding Legends of Valour, that was
- excruciatingly awful!) Only time will tell.
- VISTA-LITE has recently been released, it is a cut down version of
- VISTA-PRO 3.0, a fractal landscape generator. VISTA-PRO 3.0 required
- a ridiculous 6MB of RAM to use it on an AGA machine. I adored VISTA-
- PRO but the thought of shelling out £200 on a RAM expansion, just to
- use VISTA-PRO 3.0 put me off a bit!
- VISTA-LITE only requires 2MB of RAM but you need a HARD-DRIVE, but as
- fellow hard drive owners will know, you are only left with about
- 1.7MB of RAM when you boot up. So you still need to buy a RAM
- expansion!
- The reason for the reduced RAM usage is the use of some clever
- programming technics, that fool you machine into thinking that your
- HARD-DRIVE is in fact RAM. Very Clever Eh!
- I went to the recent CAD/CAM show at the NEC Birmingham recently.
- I was ready to have my mind blown away with fantastic 3D rendered
- images, Animated fly by's of buildings, 3D journey's over computer
- generated cities, all demonstrating the true power of the PC!
- Boy!, what a disappointment! It must have been the most boring show I
- have ever visited.
- The Mighty 'Silicon Graphics' had a stand at the show, so I was
- expecting big things from them!
- First of all the stand was tiny, and all they were showing were
- simple wire frame cars spinning around in a circle! Very
- disappointing!
- There were a couple of interesting stands, one was a 'Virtual
- Reality' Exercise Bike where you could cycle around a car park, It
- was a home made unit but was still quit affective!
- The design team from Mclaren Honda were there together with a F1 Car.
- LearJet were there together with a full size Lear Jet.
- I was honestly expecting a lot more, and between you and me, if there
- had been a Video Toaster there, it would have cleaned up no problem!
- If there was ever a reason why the Video Toaster is chosen over the
- PC the CAD/CAM show 94 was it!
- I made a visit to the 'All Formats Computer Fair' in Birmingham as
- well recently. You have all probably heard about these shows, the
- organisers travel around the country, going to different venue's,
- letting local Company's run a stall (At a Price) allowing them to
- sell off there merchandise to the public at cheap prices.
- Its a great place to pick up both Hardware and Software bargains.
- There were a couple of Pd. houses at the show, both CYNOSTIC and
- Magnetic Fields made an appearance and were both doing great
- business.
- Commercial games were going cheap, and I picked up 'Skidmarks' (No
- Underwear jokes thankyou!) for £15, so I saved £10, not bad eh!
- I was going to get 'Walker' for £8, but this little brat beat me to
- it! I tried to get him to part with it by banging his head on the
- edge of a table, but his father made an appearance, so I made a quick
- exit.
- F1 Grand Prix was running of a Fast PC. It looked stunning as the
- frame rate was running in real time!
- I want an accelerator, I want an accelerator!
- There were Commodore Monitors been sold for £100, loads of cheap
- games, IDE Hard Drives, in fact, there was a lot there. If the show
- comes to a town near you, pop along, its only £4 to get in. If you
- see a small boy with a lump on his head and a black eye, ask him if
- he wants to sell 'Walker' for a Fiver!
- It looks as though 'Virtual Racing' for the Mega Drive is going to
- cost £100. To you and me it is a ridiculous amount of money for a
- game, in fact I would go so far as saying NO game is worth that much.
- But the sad fact of the matter is, that people ARE going to pay £100
- for it!
- Its the Parents who are going to end up paying for it, there children
- are going to just keep nagging and nagging until their parents
- finally give in and go out and buy it! SEGA know it! We know it! Yet
- Parents all over the country still cannot say no to their kids!
- You have to hand it to SEGA, they seem to be the only ones who
- realise Parents of console owners are stupid enough to pay £100 for a
- game, a game that the child will probably get bored of within a week!
- That's it this month, I can leave the rest of the Mag, in the capable
- hands (or is it hand!) of the resident Editor.
- See you next Time.
- Paul.
- ** The opinions expressed here are not necessarily those of CHANNEL Z **